
MSNBC Reporter Hyperventilates About Speaker Johnson Questioning 2020 Election

‘He’s Jim Jordan with a jacket and a smile’
By Grabien Staff


VITALI: “And I did — I’m glad, frankly, that you played the clip from last night, when they invited reporters in for a ‘press conference,’ and then said no policy questions, but I tried similarly today when he walked down the very steps that I’m standing on right now, and spoke with reporters for, once again, what they called a press conference and didn’t take questions. I shouted quite loudly about whether or not he thought the 2020 election results were legitimizing for Biden and if he believed that Biden was the legitimately elected president of the United States, and he once again ignored those questions. And so, I know that some people might say it’s in the past, but certainly January 6th and 2020 loom so large over this building every single day, and now you have someone in the presidential line of succession who helped with that rationale in a key way that Republican members of Congress were using his legal bases that were, of course, flimsy and non-constitutional, but were trying to use them as their rationale for why they voted against certifying the election results.”

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