
MSNBC’s Kornacki: Biden’s Approval Rating Is the Lowest NBC Poll for an Incumbent Facing a Re-Election Year

‘He’s taken a hit this year’
By Grabien Staff


KORNACKI: "How about the Democratic end of things? Joe Biden seems poised to be the Democratic nominee. What kind of year has he had politically? Well, again, he started 2023 coming off those good midterms for Democrats, and his approval rating hit 46, 50. It wasn’t that bad. But it’s taken a hit this year. As we start to close out the year, our final NBC poll had him at just 40% approval, 50% disapproval. How does this compare to past presidents entering their reelection year? Here you can see it. Here’s the 40 that we have Biden at right now. These are all the final polls heading into the election year — re-election year that NBC conducted. You just see all the recent presidents. Look, Trump got beat in 2020, he was at 44 heading into his re-election year. Bush Sr. got beat in '92, he was at 52 and heading south rapidly there. But you see how that number compares. That’s the lowest. That’s the lowest in an NBC poll for an incumbent facing a re-election year."

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