
MSNBC: Senate Intel Committee Finds No Direct Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

‘Both Republicans and Democrats are telling us they found no direct evidence of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia’


DILANIAN: "Craig, both Republicans and Democrats are telling us they found no direct evidence of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. Which after all was the big question everyone was asking. But it’s also important to note they’re not exonerating the President either. What they found is a pattern of contacts between Trump associates and Russians. And Democrats and Republicans disagree about the implications of them. but Senator Richard Burr, the Republican chairman of the Committee, has said that he may end up with a report that says American public, use your judgment about whether this is collusion. Here are the contacts, here’s what happened. We don’t have really the evidence to suggest what was going on here. That’s not going to be a very satisfying report, I would submit for the American public. Another point to make is that once they finish interviewing the witnesses, it will be another six to seven months before they actually write the thing and send it out for us to see."

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