
MTG: The DoJ Is Running the 2024 Presidential Campaign

‘The more people realize that the Biden Administration is a communist regime’
By Grabien Staff


TAYLOR GREENE: "Yeah, the amount of hypocrisy is too much to take, Maria. I’ll follow up with Byron just now. The Department of Justice is now running the 2024 presidential campaign because Bidenomics is failing America. People can hardly afford gas, they can hardly afford groceries, and many seniors on a fixed income are choosing between paying rent and being able to buy their medications. People are drowning in inflation and America’s failing under Bidenomics. They have no policies to run on. The only thing they can run on is to continue smearing President Trump’s name. And I just want to follow up and say, Maria, the more times they indict President Trump, the more people realize that the Biden Administration is a communist regime.”

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