
Nancy Pelosi Doubles Down on ‘Cover-Up’ Remarks: ‘Could Be an Impeachable Offense’

‘Ignoring the subpoenas of Congress was article three of the Nixon impeachment’


PELOSI: “But this is why I think the President was so steamed off this morning, because the fact is, in plain sight, in the public domain, this president is obstructing justice and he’s engaged in a cover-up. And that could be an impeachable offense. Ignoring the subpoenas of Congress was Article 3 of the Nixon impeachment. Article 3 – he did not honor the subpoenas in the Congress. So it's not just the substance that we're after. We want to give the truth to the American people. But in striving to get that, the intervention, the obstruction that the administration is engaged in is – as they say, the cover-up is frequently worse than the crime.”

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