
Ne-Yo on His Statement Against LGBTQ: ‘I Do Not Apologize for Having an Opinion on This Matter’

‘Do whatever the hell you want to do’
By Grabien Staff


NE-YO: “So, check this out. First and foremost, I do not apologize for having an opinion on this matter. I am a 43-year-old heterosexual man raising five boys and two girls. Okay? That’s my reality. Now, if my opinion offended somebody, yeah, sure, I apologize for you being offended because that wasn’t my intention. My intention is never to offend anybody. However, I’m entitled to feel how I feel. I am absolutely entitled to feel how I feel, the same way you are entitled to feel how you feel. I ain't asking nobody to follow me. I ain't asking nobody to agree with me. I was axed question and I answered the damn question. Okay?  I have no beef with the LBGTQIA+ community whatsoever. I ain't got no beef with y'all. Do whatever the hell it is you want to do. Do what you wanna do with your kids. However, somebody asked my opinion on this matter and this is how I feel. I will never be okay with allowing a child to make a decision that detrimental to their life. I will never be okay with that. I definitely plan to educate myself a little bit more on this matter. However, I doubt that there's any book anywhere or any opinion that somebody’s gonna tell me that's gonna make me okay with letting a child make a decision like. That's just period, point blank, and that's how I feel.”

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