
New Fox Poll Has Biden Leading Trump: ‘His Best Result this Election Cycle’

‘While Biden leads on the democracy issue by 6 points, Trump leads on immigration by 9’
By Grabien Staff


BAIER: "We are releasing new Fox polls right now about the presidential race. President Biden gets his best result this election cycle in the head-to-head against former President Donald Trump. He leads 50-48. That is within the margin of error. President Biden hasn’t been ahead of former President Trump in the polls since October of 2023. He trailed Trump by 1 point last month. Again, all within the margin of error, a very tight race. When listing extremely important issues to their vote, registered voters in this survey citing the future of democracy at 68%, the economy at 66, followed by stability and normalcy, then healthcare and immigration, abortion, and guns. This as President Biden is preparing to share a stage with the former president in just over a week, the first presidential debate which we will cover live right here on Fox News channel next Thursday night.”

(Via Mediaite)

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