
Newt Gingrich: Trump’s Not a Candidate, He’s the Leader of a Movement

‘He’s the personification of an establishment that is totally corrupt’
By Grabien Staff


GINGRICH: "Well, I think that’s right. I think that Trump is not a candidate. Trump is the leader of a movement. He is the personification of an establishment that is totally corrupt, destroying anything that gets in its way. Interestingly, for example, his support among African-American males has gone up dramatically and the reason is simple. They feel that the police have harassed them, they are now watching the government harass Trump. They actual identify with what he’s going through. I think men people who may or may not like Trump’s personality, but they look at this and they think, 'Here are my choices. I'm going to side with a totally corrupt administration, or I am going to side with a guy who has the guts to stand there and take the beating and keep coming.' I mean, Trump could easily have retired. And if he’d retired, none of these charges would have occurred. And instead he said, 'You know, the country’s worth going through this.' And I think that’s given him support in places that normally wouldn’t have supported him, but they realize the only two choices are to reinforce a totally sick, corrupt, authoritarian system, or to be with the guy who’s taking it head on. I think that the country is, in fact, going to nominate, Trump, and I think Trump has a very high likelihood of winning the general election."

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