
Nikki Haley on Civil War Gaffe: ‘I Should Have Said Slavery Right Away’

‘When you grow up in the South, slavery is a given’
By Grabien Staff


HALEY: “Ron has been desperate from the beginning. You should see the commercials Lee doing in Iowa. Every one of them’s a lie. Every fact checker has said it’s wrong. But, you know, when you’re lying, you’re losing. So to Ron desperate. Dewe see that for what it is. I’ve done 150 town halls, and we shake every hand, we answer question, and I stay until the last person leaves. And we take questions if everybody. Republicans, Democrats, inexempts, whoever shows up. We don’t screen them, we let them ask whatever they want. And we had a question there and, yes, of course, the first thing I should is are said was slavery. I completely agree with that. When you grow up in the south, slavery’s a given.” 

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