
Nikki Haley Says She Doesn’t Feel Bound by the RNC Pledge to Support the Eventual Republican Nominee

‘I think I’ll make what decision I want to make’
By Grabien Staff


WELKER: "Let me try it this way. You did sign a pledge, an RNC pledge, to support the eventual nominee. Do you still feel bound by that pledge?"
HALEY: "I have always said that I have serious concerns about Donald Trump. I have even more concerns about Joe Biden."
WELKER: "So, is that a no? Are you bound by the RNC pledge?"
HALEY: "The RNC pledge — I mean, at the time of the debate, we had to take it to where, 'Would you support the nominee,' and in order to get on that debate stage, you said yes. The RNC is now not the same RNC. Now it's Trump's daughter-in-law — "
WELKER: "So you're no longer bound by that pledge?"
HALEY: "No, I think I'll make what decision I want to make. But that's not something I'm thinking about.”

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