
Nikki Haley: Trump Is in Mental Decline ‘That’s a Fact’

‘He’s not what he was in 2016’
By Grabien Staff


HALEY: “Are we really, in this country, going to have two 80-year-olds running for president? It is a fact that when you are their age, you have mental decline. I don’t care who you are. You have mental decline. He didn’t just get me confused, he mentioned it over and over and over again. He’s not what he was in 2016. He has declined. That’s a fact. Joe Biden has declined in the two years since he’s been president. The party that goes and puts a new generational leader in is the party that will win. That’s why I am running. I don’t want my kids to live like this. If you’re going to have eight solid years, you can’t put a guy in their eighties in there.”

(Via Breitbart)

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