
Nina Jankowicz Laments Free Speech Is ‘Making Our Nation Less Safe’

‘There is dereliction of duty going on basically’
By Grabien Staff


JANKOWICZ: “Right now, we see this fight against disinformation researchers. We see this fight against social media platforms doing content moderation. And we see it empowered by Congress and people who are powerful people — Elon Musk, et cetera. And what does that do? That makes our nation less safe. We are in a point where we’re about to head into an inflection point ahead of the election. We’ve got supercharging AI. We’ve got foreign threats, right? Our foreign adversaries are looking at our domestic polarization and thanking their lucky stars that they have so much material to work with. And in the meantime, disinformation researchers — people who are working on this threat — the canaries in the coal mine — they’re being snuffed out by our very own members of Congress. And so, I think we’re in a — there’s a dereliction of duty going on, basically.”


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