
Noah on Candidate Apologizing to Trump For Losing Primary: ‘I Don’t Know Why You’d Think Trump Supporters Are a Cult’

‘‘Please forgive me dear leader,’ so normal, so normal’


NOAH: "You know what? I— I don’t know why anyone would think Trump supporters are a cult. Ha-ha. It is just a normal woman apologizing to Trump for losing her election on his birthday. It’s not a cult. This is a very normal thing. Please forgive me, Dear Leader. So normal, so normal. By the way, what was all that about, 'You will always be my number 45 and my number 46?' Because — because I — I get what she's saying, but I know Trump was the 45th president, but is she saying that he is still the president? Because then he wouldn’t be the 46th president. He would still be the 45th president. That’s confusing. And if I am confused, you best believe Donald Trump is really confused. Best believe.”

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