
Noah on SC Questioning Texas Abortion Law: Looks Like the Conservatives Are Going to Choose Between Abortion or Guns

‘This law could lead to a future where everyone is just suing each other all the time’


NOAH: “Uh-oh, looks like the conservative justices are going to have to choose what they care more about: guns or fetuses? This is tough. Unless... what if women gave birth to guns? That’s it! We just make women give birth to guns. Then everyone wins. I will say, this really shows you how bullshit this law is, because banning abortion has been the goal for conservatives for over four decades now, but even they aren’t willing to do it like this. It would be like a lonely guy finally losing his virginity, but only because he fell into the Gorilla pit at the zoo. It’s not what he wanted— it’s what he wanted but not what he wanted. But the justices are right: this law could lead to a future where everyone is just suing each other all the time. Let’s be honest, there are already too many lawsuits in America.”

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