
NYC Homeowners Tell CBS They Are Now in Debt Because They Have to Pay Squatters’ Utility Bills

‘I’m not getting any rent, and I’m paying gas and electric every month’
By Grabien Staff


REPORTER: "Why can't you just change the locks?"
HOMEOWNER 1: "Oh, I will be arrested instantly."
HOMEOWNER 2: "They turned off the hot water and then reported that they had no hot water. It's a $250 fine per day, up to $15,000, punishable by five years in jail."
REPORTER: "So here you are, you have to pay the upkeep of the house."
HOMEOWNER 3: "Right."
REPORTER: "And not getting any rent?"
HOMEOWNER 3: "I'm not getting any rent, and I'm paying gas and electric every month."

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