
NYT’s Goldberg: ‘Understandable’ Why People Believed Hamas Propaganda on Gaza Hospital Bombing

‘It’s important to note that in the past when Israel has accidentally killed civilians, it has blamed it on an errant Islamic Jihad missile and it’s turned out to be an Israeli air strike’
By Grabien Staff


GOLDBERG: “I think what we saw with this hospital bombing, which many, many people, myself included, initially assumed as the word coming from the ground, that this was the result of an Israeli air strike. And I think it's important to note that in the past, when Israel has accidentally killed civilians, it has blamed it on an errant Islamic Jihad missile and it's turned out to be in the case just last year an Israeli airstrike. So it's understandable why people believe that, but the rush to judgment in this case has had really devastating consequences that can't be rolled back by a correction, because that's not how information -- how the flow of information works anymore.”


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