
Obama DHS Sec.: ‘We Are Truly in a Crisis’ at Border

‘I know that a thousand [apprehensions] overwhelms the system I cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 a day looks like’

JOHNSON: "Well first, Mika, thanks for having me. A little bit of context here. When I was in office in Kirstjen Nielsen’s job at her desk, I’d get to work around 6:30 in the morning and there’d be my intelligence book sitting on my desk, the PDB, and also the apprehension numbers from the day before. And I’d look at them every memory morning, it would be the first thing I’d look at, and I probably got too close to the problem. And my staff will tell you, if it was under 1,000 apprehensions the day before, that was a relatively good number. And if it was above 1,000, it was a relatively bad number and I was going to be in a bad mood the whole day. On Tuesday there were 4,000 apprehensions. I know that a thousand overwhelms the system. I cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 a day looks like. So we are truly in a crisis."

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