
Obama: ‘Europe in 2019 in Some Ways Has Achieved the Pinnacle of Human Well Being’

‘Collectively in Europe right now on average you probably see the highest standards of living of any group of people in the history of the planet’


OBAMA: "And I know there’s a whole lot of work to be done. Because we live in uncertain times. We’re confronted by big questions about how to organize our communities and our countries and the international order. Here in Berlin we have to recognize that this moment is full of contradictions because Europe in 2019 in some ways has achieved the pinnacle of human well being. Collectively in Europe right now on average you probably see the highest standards of living of any group of people in the history of the planet. Wealthier, healthier, better educated. The kind that has largely been at peace for 70 years. You have unprecedented information at your fingertips. You can travel freely across borders that once were closed. Our societies have made great strides to extent tend — extend opportunity and care for the sick and pursue equality no matter what you look like or how you worship or who you love. So you would think that everybody would feel pretty good right now. And yet, what we also know is that powerful forces are threatening to reverse many of these trends. The democratic institutions that helped to bring these about oftentimes have been taken for granted. The planet that we live on is in danger. Some of the contradictions of our economies and how we produce and dispose of goods and services continually now doesn’t appear to be as sustainable, particularly if understandably other parts of the world wanted to achieve the same kinds of standards of living as we have.”

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