
Obama: ‘I’d Like to Think There Are Compassionate Conservatives’ Who Oppose Putting Kids in ‘Pens’

‘There’s nothing compassionate about ripping immigrant children from the arms of their mothers at the border and putting them in pens’
By Grabien Staff


OBAMA: " I'd like to thank there are compassionate conservatives out there who think there's nothing compassionate about ripping immigrant children from the arms of their mothers at the border and putting them in pens. I'd like to think that there are people who might not agree with me on everything, but agree that just giving a trillion dollars, trillion and a half dollars in tax cuts to people don't need it, and making the next generation pay for it, or trying to cut Medicare, that that's wrong. There should be people of all political stripes who think it's wrong to say the deficits don't matter when it comes to helping rich people, but they matter when it comes to helping everybody else. There should be people everywhere who think it's wrong to spend eight years trying to take people's health care away, and then spend the final weeks of election pretending you're Florence Nightingale.”

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