
Outraged Boston Mom Slams Officials for Closing Recreation Center to House Migrants: ‘What About Us?,’ ‘They Want to Turn Our Children to Animals’

‘They want our children to be bad and f up’
By Grabien Staff


UNKNOWN FEMALE: “We want to help them. But at the same time, what about us that need help here? What about -- you know, I'm -- I'm a mother and I have four children. You know, they need help, they need somewhere to go, they need something to do.”
JONES: “What's going to be the consequence of this being changed and just to migrants? Where are those kids are going to go right now?”
UNKNOWN FEMALE: “Probably to the streets, to the streets, where most of them are already at. You know -- and you know, like, when we look for help, it seems like the state and the governor and people, they push us away. They want to turn our children to animals. They want our children to be bad and eff up. We want better for our community, but this right here, is going to [bleep] show and it's going to be crazy.”


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