
Parliamentarian Calls out Trudeau: Why Can’t You Articulate an Off-Ramp Like Every Other Advanced Country?

‘Our public health doctors have told us as well it’s time to move forward, it’s time to revisit these harsh mandates’


DANCHO: “I would — I would ask this government to do everything they can, I asked them this two years ago in the House, go to other countries, see what they’re doing, what are the best practices. How is it that other highly advanced, developed nations like the U.K., Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, how — the United States, how is it that they have all the same tools we have, they have all the economic resources we have, they’ve done — their citizens have done all the work and made all the sacrifices. Why is it that those citizens get a plan for hope of when we get back to normal, when we get our lives back, when the people outside — you think they want to be here, Mr. Speaker? Those people don’t want to be here. They want to be working. But that right was taken away from them. When is there going to be a plan from this prime minister? When is there going to be compassionate leadership to say, 'This is it. You’ve done the work. Here’s the tools. We’re moving forward.' Our public health doctors have told us as well, it’s time to move forward, it’s time to revisit these harsh mandates and divisive policies. Mr. Speaker, I will just end on this and — I’m very passionate about this, I think we all are from our different perspectives, but I will say, I will continue to be a bridge builder to reach out, to try to understand where others are coming from, and I would — I would — it would just be incredible if we could see members of the Liberal Party, the Prime Minister, do the same. Time to build a bridge, Mr. Speaker."

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