
Paul Begala: Donald Trump ‘Should Be Putting Nikki Haley on the Ticket, Not Demonizing Her’

‘Meanwhile, Democrats are reaching out to Haley supporters and Haley donors to try to bring them into the tent’
By Grabien Staff


BEGALA: “I talked to the Democratic Party chairman in Wisconsin about 10 days ago, Ben Wikler, he is on this, in same way Isaac saw, I saw when I talked to Ben, and Democrats around the country. They should be desperately concerned about their declining support in a black community, especially with black men. They should be and are very concerned about declining enthusiasm among young people, and they're working on it. See, that makes sense to me. Politician has a problem, politician working on the problem. Mr. Trump's problem is that he is alienating those voters. He should be putting Nikki Haley on the ticket, not demonizing her and attacking her supporters. By the way, meanwhile Democrats are reaching out to Haley supporters and Haley donors to try to bring them into the tent.”


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