
Pelosi: ‘I Am Motivated To Do Everything I Can to Win this Election’

‘I have homes in San Francisco behind me, and that is my strength’
By Grabien Staff


PELOSI: “Now, at the same time, our democracy is at risk when we talk nationally. And globally, people are concerned about what it means if our democracy is at risk, and what it means to the war in Ukraine and what it means to our relationship with NATO and other alliances that we have. So, I am motivated to do everything I can to win this election. I think it’s urgent for our democracy, for our relationships worldwide, and more importantly, for every kitchen table discussion in our country, about America’s working families, to offset what the Republicans are trying to do. Right now they’re trying to undo the IRA, the Inflation Reduction Act, which means they would raise the cost of prescription drugs for seniors. They would offset what we’re doing to protect the planet from the climate crisis. So, there’s urgency in terms of my city, our issues here, and the global conflict between democracy and autocracy.”

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