
Pelosi: ‘Vladimir Putin Has Instructed His Troops to Use Rape, Kidnapping, and Murder in Front of Family Members as a Weapon of War’

‘If you choose the Putin route, you will have blood on your hands’
By Grabien Staff


PELOSI: “Two years ago and almost two weeks ago, I led the first high-level delegation to Kyiv, and we saw firsthand the courage of the people, the danger of the Russians. But let me just tell you what is heartbreaking about it. Vladimir Putin has instructed his troops to use rape, kidnapping and murder in front of family members as a weapon of war to demoralize the people of Ukraine. I hope that our colleagues will choose democracy and decency rather than autocracy and evil. Because I fear that if you choose the Putin route, you will have blood on your hands. Blood of the children, blood of their mothers, raped in front of their parents, raped in front of their children. I urge an ‘aye’ vote on this and all the other bills before us today. Thank you, Madam Speaker.”

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