
Peter Baker: Harris’ Not Going to Win the Economic Argument Against Trump Because People Aren’t Feeling It in Their Lives

‘Even though the statistics are pretty good right now in terms of inflation and unemployment’
By Grabien Staff

BAKER: "They want to be able to say they have a plan. They didn’t like the criticism that she had it been specific on any substance and she’s been all about these rallies so they want to be able to say we have a plan, we have outlined it. I think they understand that’s probably not where the election is going to be thought out. The generational change argument she’s making is probably the more powerful one reminding voters who didn’t like Trump and 2020 why they may not like him in 2024. The specifics of the plan they are not going to win the economic argument against Trump because people aren’t feeling it in their lives even though the statistics are pretty good right now in terms of inflation and unemployment and so forth. Rather than the ways the battle on territory the polls show Trump is strongest they want ways to battle on areas they feel he’s weakest."

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