
Peter Strzok: You Can’t Unwrite the 14th Amendment, There Will Be Some Provision That Potentially Disqualifies Trump

‘His words result in violent action’
By Grabien Staff


STRZOK: “You don’t see supporters of Joe Biden going out and threatening Michigan Supreme Court justices. So, my worry is that Donald Trump is not constraining any of his behavior. His words result in violent action. It isn’t stopping. He is well aware of what’s going on, and I think whatever we see coming out of the Supreme Court, there is going — they can’t unwrite the 14th Amendment. There’s going to have to be some provision that if somebody engages in insurrection, that that does potentially disqualify them from the presidency, in some way, in some manner of determining that. Trump is not going to like that. And so, the question is, as we move down into 2024, we’ve got a slow boil right now. But that pot is just going to get hotter and hotter and hotter on the oven.”

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