
PM Trudeau Announces Canada Will Spend $8.4 Million on Research to Understand How ‘Climate Change Interacts with Democratic Decline’

‘So, today I’m announcing that Canada is investing $8.4 million on research across the global south to better understand how climate change interacts with democratic decline’
By Grabien Staff


TRUDEAU: “We're dealing with insecurity caused by armed conflicts and climate change. So today, I’m announcing that Canada’s investing $84 million on research across the Global South to better understood how climate change interacts with democratic decline. These initiatives will also help protect the human rights of environmental defenders. On top of the uncertainty caused by different crises, we're also seeing direct threats to individuals globally through transnational repression. This is why Canada is increasing and expanding its funding for access now to ensure human rights defenders and others facing digital threats have the resources they need to protect themselves."

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