
Pro-Palestine Lady Harasses Alec Baldwin to Say ‘Free Palestine’ Until He Slaps Phone in Frustration

‘Why did you kill that lady?’
By Grabien Staff


PRO-PALESTINE PROTESTER: "Alec, can you please say 'Free Palestine' one time? Why did you kill that lady? You killed that lady and got no jail time. No jail time, Alec? No jail time, Alec. You’re putting innocent people in jail, Alec Baldwin. 'Free Palestine,' Alec, just one time, and I’ll leave you alone. I will leave you alone, I swear. Just say 'Free Palestine' one time. One time. One time. One time, Alec. You know he's a criminal. You know he's a f**king criminal. Come on, Alec, just say 'Free Palestine' one time. One time. Just one time, please, and I will leave you alone. 'Free Palestine.' 'F**k Israel?' 'F**k Zionism?' Please say it. One time."

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