
Pro-Trump Lawyer Ken Chesebro: ‘High-Level’ Fake Elector Plan Involved GOP Senator

‘They had to enlist a U.S. senator to try to expedite it, to get it to Pence in time’
By Grabien Staff


CHESEBRO: “The general counsel of the Trump campaign is freaked out that Roman reported that the Michigan votes are still in the sorting facility in Michigan, which doesn’t look like they’re going to get to Pence in time. So the general counsel of the campaign was alarmed and was chartering — they didn’t have to charter a jet, but they did commercial. This is like, yeah, so this is a high-level decision to get the Michigan and Wisconsin votes there. And they had to enlist, you know, a U.S. senator to try to expedite it, to get it to Pence in time.”

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