
Psaki: You Should Be Banned from All Social Media Platforms, Not Just One if You Are Spreading Misinformation

‘Information travels quite quickly, if it is up there for days and days and days, it is hard to put that back in a box’
By Grabien Staff


PSAKI: “You shouldn't be banned from one platform and not others if you -- for providing misinformation out there, taking faster action against harmful post. As you all know, information travels quite quickly. If it's up there for days and days and days, when people see it, you know there's -- it's hard to put that back in a box. And of course promoting algorithms. I don't know how they work but they all do know how they work. So, those are some of the steps that we think could be constructive for public health, for public information, for public -- you know, the right of the public to know.”

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