
QAnon Shaman: I Didn’t Break into the Capitol, ‘I Walked Through Open Doors’

‘I was doing everything I could to be a peacekeeper inside that building’
By Grabien Staff


SMERCONISH: “Why not just say — why not just say it? I wouldn’t trespass. You know, I wouldn’t trespass.”

CHANSLEY: “Because I didn’t break into the building.”

SMERCONISH: “That — pardon me?”

CHANSLEY: “Because I did not break into the building. I walked through open doors. And if you look at it, the truth of what happened when I went in is antithetical to the Mockingbird Media’s narrative. I stopped somebody from stealing. I volunteered to help the police. That’s why they were escorting me around the building. And, you know, I said a prayer as soon as I exited the building. I, you know, shortly thereafter, I stopped people from breaking in and told everybody to go home. I was doing everything I could to be a peacekeeper inside that building.”

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