
Ramaswamy: Only Reason Kamala Is Rising in Polls Is Because the Media Is Propping Her up, Not Explaining Her Views

‘The media does present an uphill battle’
By Grabien Staff


RAMASWAMY: "Well, that’s exactly part of the plan, Sean, is the reality is, Kamala Harris never went through the primary process where she had to cater to the left, so now she gets to appear to be in the center when, in fact, she’s one of the most radical nominees we've seen from the Democratic Party. There's exactly one reason she’s rising in the polls, it's because the media is propping her up. And our formula to win this, Sean, is we ultimately have to take this back to our vision for policy and the future of the United States. If we do that, we win. If we steer from that path, we lose. I think it’s that simple. And you know what, the media does present an uphill battle, but it's up to us to actually overcome that and to win. That's what I'm in favor of."

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