
Ramaswamy to Nikki Haley: ‘You Were Bankrupt When You Left the UN’ ... ‘Now, You’re a Multi-Millionaire’

‘So I think that this is far more corrupt than I even imagined when I entered politics’
By Grabien Staff


RAMASWAMY: “I want to go back, though, to Nikki Haley’s comment from earlier that she is somehow not responding to the will of these donors. Nikki, you were bankrupt when you left the U.N. After you left the U.N., you became a military contractor. You actually started joining service on the board of Boeing, whose back you scratched for a very long time, and then gave four multinational speeches like Hillary Clinton is. And now you’re a multimillionaire. That math does not add up. It adds up to the fact that you are corrupt. And when I said they were bought and paid for, I meant the Republican establishment, not the Democratic establishment. Now you have Reid Hoffman, the person who’s effectively George Soros Jr., funding lawsuits across this country against Donald Trump to keep him off the ballot, funding left-wing causes. We discovered this week that he is one of Nikki Haley’s largest supporters.”

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