
Rand Paul: ‘I’ve Told the [Trump] Campaign I’m Open to Endorsing but I Want to Hear More’

‘You may still see it, we’ll see’
By Grabien Staff


PAUL: “You may still see it. We’ll see. I’ve told the campaign I’m open to endorsing, but I want to hear more. What I want to hear from Donald Trump is, one, that the $8 billion that was barred in his first administration isn’t going to happen again. I want to hear there are not going to be any more lockdowns. I want to hear that Anthony Fauci was a mistake and should have been fired. And I want a steadfast, ironclad promise that if Trump is elected, he will open all of the spigots of federal records on Covid and let me thoroughly investigate NIH for the malfeasance and the cover-up that happened. And heads will roll at HHS, NIH and any place else that tried to cover up that Covid came from a lab in Wuhan. If that happens, you still may see an endorsement. I’m just not quite there yet.”

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