
Raskin: Republicans Attacking Dir. Wray ‘Extremely Harmful’ to the FBI

‘They are basically throwing the entire apparatus of federal law enforcement under the bus in their eagerness to wrap themselves around Donald Trump’s lies’
By Grabien Staff


BROWN: “In your view, how harmful are these attacks on Wray and on the FBI as an institution?"
RASKIN: "They're extremely harmful because they're basically throwing the entire apparatus of federal law enforcement under the bus, in their eagerness to wrap themselves around Donald Trump's lies. They would prefer to have people believe that Christopher Wray, a Donald Trump appointee, who himself is a conservative Republican, is involved in some kind of conspiracy against Donald Trump and his supporters rather than accept the fact that Donald Trump took with him hundreds and hundreds of documents that didn't belong to him, many of them confidential top secret, and there's even photographic evidence of it, but they would prefer to concoct a whole outlandish conspiracy theory rather than accept the possibility that their hero was acting completely consistent with his character and thinking that he was above the law and took all of these documents and then refused to return them even when given multiple opportunities to do so."

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