
Raskin: The Supreme Court Should Just Be Moved to the RNC Headquarters

‘Because they’re acting like a bunch of partisan operatives’
By Grabien Staff


RASKIN: “Well, they’re politicians who are not even subject to popular election unlike me. They should move the Supreme Court over to the RNC headquarters because they’re acting like a bunch of partisan operatives. The most astonishing thing for me today was Justice Alito’s question. He actually asked whether holding the president criminally accountable for actual crimes committed, whether, you know, murder or coup, or you name it, whether holding them accountable would actually encourage them to stage more violent coups, to stay in office, to avoid prosecution. Which buys completely into Donald Trump’s narcissistic criminal worldview. I mean, for all of American history, we’ve said presidents are subject to criminal prosecution if they commit crimes. That’s why Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon.”

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