
Ratcliffe: ‘The Gov’t Always Had Hunter Biden’s Laptop with the Evidence of His Crimes on It’

‘This is all proven to be true as if it was an open question’
By Grabien Staff


RATCLIFFE: “Trey, this has always been a settled matter, it's never been open to discussion or opinion. Either the government, you know, has the murder weapon with the defendant's DNA all over it or they don’t, and in this case the government always had Hunter Biden’s laptop with the evidence of his crimes on it. So, you know, that wasn’t a matter of judgment or opinion, that was based on conversations that I was having at the time with the Attorney General Bill Barr and with the FBI director Christopher Wray, and we put out statements because people like Adam Schiff and then later these 51 intelligence officials were attempting to mislead the American people about that. You know, the problem, Trey, is some of the people on that letter that organized that, Jim Clapper, John Brennan, Mike Morell, these are the same people that did the same thing in 2016 when they ran the first Russia collision hoax.”

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