
Reid: Bombing Gaza Will Not Make its Residents Side with Israel, ‘It’s Like Asking Why Black Folks Don’t Trust the Police’

‘How do you propose they do that?’
By Grabien Staff


REID: “And if they were — if you were a teenager, living in an open-air prison getting bombed day and night by, let’s say Mexico, and Mexican police kicked in the door and raided your house anytime they wanted and turned off the water and cut off your food, what are you going to do, side with them, help them while you’re dying? That’s like asking why black folks don’t help or trust the police. Okay, but after 9/11, we bombed Afghanistan in self-defense. Yeah, we did. And did that put an end to Al Qaeda or get bin Laden? No, it did not. Because like Hamas, bin Laden wasn’t in the country we were bombing.”

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