
Reid Calls out Fox News for Fearmongering Against Immigrants: ‘Migrant Arrested for Raping 13-Year-Old’

‘That’s part of the problem’
By Grabien Staff


REID: "Let me show you the — this is one of the reasons that people have this sort of thinking. Here’s the three cable networks reporting on this. Our banner said, 'Soon Biden announces legal protections for undocumented spouses of citizens.' CNN’s banner said, 'Biden announces new protections for some undocumented spouses.' Here's FOX’s banner: 'Migrant arrested for raping 13-year-old New York City girl.'"

JAYAPAL: "(Laughs) Yes."

REID: "So I think that’s part of the problem, right, is that you have a lot of fear-mongering."

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