
Reihan Salam: ‘Biden Admin. Needs to Own up’ to ‘Grave Strategic and Moral Errors They’ve Made’ in Deescalating with Iran

‘Iran has been deeply involved, not just with Hamas... ‘
By Grabien Staff


SALAM: "I just want to underscore that the comments from the Iranian government are an obscenity. Because the notion that Iran has been a spectator in this crisis is an outrageous lie, because the Iranian government has sponsored, has financed — we have considerable, credible reporting to suggest that they played an operational role in planning this atrocity. So, this is not just about Hamas. What Hamas did was egregious, was an outrage against any decent human being. But Iran has been deeply involved not just with Hamas, with Hezbollah, with Palestine Islamic Jihad. They have been waging a war not just on Israel, but on a number of other allies of the United States. They have demonstrated zero compunction about targeting Americans as well. So this is not new. They have not been a spectator. And I believe that the Biden administration needs to own up to some grave strategic and moral errors they've made in trying to 'de-escalate' with the Iranian government."

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