
Rep. Boebert: My Colleague Rep. Swalwell ‘Was Sleeping with the Enemy’

‘My colleague and three-month presidential candidate from California who is on the intelligence committee, slept with a Chinese spy’


BOEBERT: "The Jihad Squad member from Minnesota has paid her husband, and not her brother-husband, the other one, over $1 million in campaign funds. This member is allowed on the Foreign Affairs Committee while praising terrorists. A Democrat chairwoman incited further violence in the streets outside of a courthouse. And then the cherry on top, my colleague and three-month presidential candidate from California who is on the Intelligence Committee, slept with Fang Fang, a Chinese spy. Let me say that again. A member of Congress who receives classified briefings —"

UNKNOWN: "Gentlelady's time has expired."

BOEBERT: "— was from sleeping with the enemy.” 

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