
Rep. Dingell: Colorado Supreme Court Is Right — ‘Trump Acted in an Insurrection’ That’s Disqualifying

‘This is a test of what is a really breaking the glass part of our Constitution’
By Grabien Staff


DEAN: "You know, I think, Alex, we’re in such a time of sort of a stress test of our Constitution. This ruling is a part of that, and a stress test to our democracy. I heard Jim Clyburn, my colleague and leader, a friend of mine, speak to that. We are at a stress test of our democracy, nothing less. So, I have read parts, I have not gotten through the entire opinion, but I will say that I believe the Colorado opinion is right. It holds two things. It affirms what the lower court said, which is that Donald Trump acted in an insurrection. He participated, he supported insurrection. So that is now true in both courts in Colorado. And certainly we showed that case when we prosecuted in the second impeachment of Donald Trump, following January the 6th. He participated in insurrection. Then what the court found is that he should be disqualified from holding office because he swore an oath prior to that. This is a test of what is a really break-the-glass part of our Constitution that was passed after the Civil War, a country terribly divided. They wanted to be sure that somebody who wanted to further divide or tear down our Constitution and our democracy would be disqualified from holding office. It’s a stress test of our Constitution. I think it’s a beautifully written opinion. The court says, the majority says they don’t come to this decision lightly, so I’m certain it will go up further.”


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