
Rep. Jayapal on the Israel Aid Bill: ‘This Is Sort of an Iraq War Moment’

‘We cannot continue to watch the carnage that is happening in Gaza’
By Grabien Staff


JAYAPAL: “On the Israel aid bill, I think you will see a good contingents of us that are voting no. I'm vote no on the bill because it does not include any conditions at all on aid to the Netanyahu government. It does not differentiate between offense of aid and defensive aid. Many of us that vote no on the bill have consistently supported iron dome funding and other defensive aid for Israel. We cannot continue to watch the carnage that is happening in Gaza and have United States military assistance be part of the carnage. For me and many of us voting no, this is sort of an Iraq war moment. A moment where I think the public is not with us. And during the Iraq war, the first vote, when there were 132 plus Democrats voting against going into Iraq at the time, this is a situation where we don’t even have the public with us. “

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