
Rep. Jayapal to Rep. Massie: ‘The Undertone from Your Side Is that Somehow People Who Are Coming Illegally Are Trying to Break into the Country’

‘I don’t think that people are breaking into the country illegally’
By Grabien Staff


JAYAPAL: "Mr. Massie, I don’t think that people are breaking into the country illegally. And I just want to say, I think, looking around the room, that I might be the only person who has actually gone through the legal immigration system, and when people differentiate between legal immigration and illegal immigration, the undertone from your side is that somehow people who are coming illegally are trying to break into the country, that are trying to do something wrong, when, in fact, it took me 17 years to go through the legal immigration system. And I am not disparaging the people who are trying to come to this country for all the reasons that drive people to come to the United States."

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