
Rep. Jeffries: S.C. Decision Granting Texas Police Power to Arrest and Deport Immigrants Is ‘Deeply Troubling’

‘We need a strong, secure, and humane border’
By Grabien Staff


JEFFRIES: “It's a deeply troubling decision from the extreme conservatives on the Supreme Court. It's clear that we have a broken immigration system. We've acknowledged that, and that we need to address the challenges at the border. We believe that we should address those challenges in a clear-eyed, comprehensive way, in a manner consistent with our values as a nation of immigrants and a nation anchored in the rule of law. We need a strong, secure and humane border. What we are seeing from many of our Republican colleagues is that they don't want to actually address the issue. They just want to engage in political stunts or try not to solve the issue so they can weaponize the border and immigration issue in November. I think the American people are going to reject that, but what the Supreme Court has done in this particular instance is quite unfortunate.”


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