
Rep. Schiff on Trump/Ukraine Memo: ‘Classic, Mafia-Like Shakedown of a Foreign Leader’

‘This is how a mafia boss talks’


SCHIFF: “It is shocking at another level that the White House would release this -- these notes and felt that somehow this would help the president’s case or cause. Because what those notes reflect is a classic mafia-like shakedown of a foreign leader. They reflect a Ukrainian president who was desperate for U.S. support, for military support, to help that country in a hot war with Putin’s Russia, a country that is still occupied by irregular Russian forces, in which people face a -- a very dangerous and continuing and destabilizing action by their aggressive neighbor. And at the same time, a president of the United States who immediately after the Ukraine president expresses the need for further weapons, tells the Ukraine president that he has a favor to ask.”

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