COHEN: “I mean, patriotism would say jump into hell for a heavenly cause. And the fact is when you have a Constitution and you have a rule of law, and it’s being destroyed in a reckless gangster manner, you need to act. I think the -- the only -- the only reason not to act is because of politics."
HARLOW: "So, Speaker Pelosi --" [crosstalk]
COHEN: "Patriotism says act."
HARLOW: "Wait, wait, wait. I mean, you’re saying, it sounds like you’re saying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is not being patriotic. Is that right?"
COHEN: "No, I -- not necessarily. I think, you know, you can be patriotic in different ways. But if -- if you going to say whether going for impeachment is patriotic or not going for impeachment is patriotic, I think going for impeachment is, when you see it laid out before you. And I see that. There are --" [crosstalk]
HARLOW: "So -- so -- so, you’re saying she’s putting politics above patriotism in this instance?"
COHEN: "I don't -- I hate to get into it with Nancy. And Nancy and I have got a great relationship and I’m not going to spoil that. But I do think that better strategy --"
HARLOW: "Well I get that, but you also need to be straight, right? You’re -- you're being straight with the American people. Is that how you see it?"
COHEN: "I’m straight with the American people. Donald Trump needs to be impeached. I think it will be the best thing for the country and the best thing for the Democrats both."