
Rep. Swalwell: Trump Is a ‘Legal Terrorist’ Who Has 40 Years of Experience with Lawsuits

‘He failed to protect the country and the Capitol that day’
By Grabien Staff


SWALWELL: “Yeah. That he is a legal terrorist who has 40 years of experience, probably more than any person in America, with lawsuits and tying up the system and seeking to delay, delay, delay. And so, it’s coming, though, Nicolle. There’s a tapestry of accountability that he’s seeing in the civil and criminal realms right now. It’s not coming as fast as it should, but it’s coming, and he’s going to have to answer for all of it. But as we think through, like, what would a Trump presidency look like knowing that he, you know, failed to protect the country and the Capitol that day, well, what do you think could happen if you have a distracted, selfish, vengeful president who only cares about himself. And America is, in another way, under attack as we have so many, you know, adversaries around the world and vulnerabilities in our country. Would he protect us and save us, or would he again do what’s in the best interest of him? He’s a ‘me, me’ president. He was on January 6th and he would be if he’s president again.”

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