
Rep. Tenney: Money Transfer in a Very Complex Web by the Bidens Shows How They Cover Their Tracks

‘I mean, why are we all talking about the fact that this is how they used his position to enrich themselves, to enrich their family’
By Grabien Staff


TENNEY: "I think a lot of that could definitely be proven if we can track the evidence, cross the T’s and dot the I’s. You know, some of the suspicious activity reports showing these transactions and money being transferred around in a very complex web just shows again that they were trying to cover this up. But remember, there’s also like text messages and things that haven’t come out — that have come out but aren't being emphasized. You know, there was the text message between Hunter Biden and his daughter saying, 'Don’t worry, you’re going get all of the money this time, I don’t have to split this one with dad.' I mean, why are we all talking about the fact that this is how they used his position to enrich themselves, to enrich their family? That’s money laundering, there’s bribery, of course, that I think we can prove. I mean, certainly it is much more compelling than any of these impeachments — and I consider them to be phony impeachments — that were brought against President Trump.”

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