
Rep. Tlaib: We Need to Expand the Supreme Court and Impeach Justices Thomas and Alito

‘The Supreme Court is not facing an ethics crisis, it’s a corruption crisis’
By Grabien Staff


TLAIB: “I know our residents in the 12th congressional district are demanding that I move with urgency on this issue. We need to enact term limits to Supreme Court justices to enforce binding code of conduct, real reforms, and expedite impeachment proceedings. These reforms are long overdue. I know Justice Thomas should have never been confirmed in the first place. We should have listened to Anita Hill. But let me be clear, Thomas and Alito needs to be impeached and removed from the bench now. Our country deserves a supreme court that's acting in the best interest of the American people, not a court that is accepting bribes and doing the bidding of right-wing extremist.”


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